See look! Bullets!
- There is only so much room to put something so it has to be detailed enough to let the reader know whats up, but short enough to fit in the space provided.
- Linear order- Read beginning to end. Nowhere else to look but another story.
- Timeliness.... You may have to wait a week to find out who won the game or who shot who if you only read the newspaper. It has to be sent to press before it can be sent to you.
- Nut graphs and leads: You absolutely have to answer the who, what, when, where and why of the story before anything else.
- In the above you will notice that there is no comma after where. That is because this is being put on the web, not printed, therefore I need no comma. See, another difference. The grammar rules.
- Write short and too the point. Nobody has got time like they do when they sit down and read the paper
- There is an immediacy too it. It happens and it's online within minutes.
- Like I already said.... You can put straight links and make it interactive.
- Videos! Sound! There is nothing like hearing and/or seeing the person being quoted saying it themselves.
- And of course my favorite! Bulleted lists! You don't have to write things out in full sentences!
I hope my bullets made you as happy as they made me and that the information was helpful! Those are the 5 differences of web and 5 of print.
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